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//! `PUT /_matrix/client/*/pushrules/{scope}/{kind}/{ruleId}`
pub mod v3 {
//! `/v3/` ([spec])
//! [spec]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.2/client-server-api/#put_matrixclientv3pushrulesscopekindruleid
use ruma_common::{
push::{Action, PushCondition},
use crate::push::RuleKind;
ruma_api! {
metadata: {
description: "This endpoint allows the creation, modification and deletion of pushers for this user ID.",
method: PUT,
name: "set_pushrule",
r0_path: "/_matrix/client/r0/pushrules/:scope/:kind/:rule_id",
stable_path: "/_matrix/client/v3/pushrules/:scope/:kind/:rule_id",
rate_limited: true,
authentication: AccessToken,
added: 1.0,
request: {
/// The scope to set the rule in. 'global' to specify global rules.
pub scope: &'a str,
/// The kind of rule
pub kind: RuleKind,
/// The identifier for the rule.
pub rule_id: &'a str,
/// Use 'before' with a rule_id as its value to make the new rule the next-most important
/// rule with respect to the given user defined rule.
pub before: Option<&'a str>,
/// This makes the new rule the next-less important rule relative to the given user defined
/// rule.
pub after: Option<&'a str>,
/// The actions to perform when this rule is matched.
pub actions: &'a [Action],
/// The conditions that must hold true for an event in order for a rule to be applied to an
/// event.
/// A rule with no conditions always matches. Only applicable to underride and override
/// rules, empty Vec otherwise.
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "<[_]>::is_empty")]
pub conditions: &'a [PushCondition],
/// The glob-style pattern to match against.
/// Only applicable to content rules.
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub pattern: Option<&'a str>,
response: {}
error: crate::Error
impl<'a> Request<'a> {
/// Creates a new `Request` with the given scope, rule kind, rule ID and actions.
pub fn new(
scope: &'a str,
kind: RuleKind,
rule_id: &'a str,
actions: &'a [Action],
) -> Self {
Self {
before: None,
after: None,
conditions: &[],
pattern: None,
impl Response {
/// Creates an empty `Response`.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {}