Expand description

Types for the m.room.join_rules event.


Configuration of the Restricted join rule.

The content of an m.room.join_rules event.

Allow rule which grants permission to join based on the membership of another room.


An allow rule which defines a condition that allows joining a room.

The rule used for users wishing to join this room.

Type Definitions

An m.room.join_rules event for creating a room.

An m.room.join_rules event.

An m.room.join_rules event from a sync_events response.

An m.room.join_rules event that has been redacted.

An m.room.join_rules event from a sync_events response that has been redacted.

An m.room.join_rules event.

An m.room.join_rules event from an invited room preview.

An m.room.join_rules event from a sync_events response.